Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Arcana Famiglia Game Translation Update #1

So, today I am posting the first update for the translation progress of the Arcana Famiglia game. So far I have finished the Prologue and am halfway through April 2nd. Yeah, that is very slow progress. I think it took a month to play through the whole Prologue. But, I had four weeks total where I was on vacation with no computer access, so that's probably why.

Anyways, I now present some screenshots of funny things! If you really don't want spoilers, don't look any further. There aren't any major plot points though, so it shouldn't be any problem.

First off, is the scene where everyone went to cheer up Felicita after Papa's announcement. There was a part where Luca told Jolly to shut up in a really nice way and I thought it was funny. After that, there was a part where Debito tricked Liberta into looking up the skirt of the Felicita statue in the garden. But I didn't get screenshots because I thought he was talking about the stars or something and missed the first part.

Moving on. This one is just weird. I was translating this line.

I had no idea what the Katakana part was. If it was in Hiragana it would be “できる”. Which means to do something. So, I Googled the phrase “デキル男”, thinking that it was some sort of slang thing.

This is the results page I got.

I see this and think "Oh hey, this slang phrase has a whole article on it!" And click on it. Apparently it was actually the Wikipedia page for some Yaoi manga. I probably should have clicked the one on example sentences. Well, at least I got a translation! I honestly have no idea if that might be a joke created by the game company, probably not. This is definitely the most interesting way that I have obtained a translation so far. Usually I get slang phrase translations from Learn Japanese websites and blogs. I translated that line as "I guess you could say we're impressive guys!" by the way.

Anyway, that concludes this update. My projection for finishing this by the end of summer was definitely too optimistic. Since I have school in a couple weeks, I guess I might finish by next summer. I'm thinking about posting the script for the prologue soon. There are some kinks though, so don't expect it. In other news, I'm considering moving this translation blog to Tumblr since I wasn't getting too many hits. It doesn't seem like this blog shows up when I search for Arcana Famiglia translations either. I think that using Tumblr instead might make it show up easier since I'm sure there are people who would appreciate these translations. I'll update again when I gain some more progress. See you next time!

1 comment:

  1. I know this is old, but katakana also means emphasising the word. So it would mean "a skilled man" or something like that.
